Free Wall Stone Workshop
September 22 from 10am-4pm
Meet Devin Devine, Natural Stone Artist 12-4pm

Devin Devine, a masterful artist in Natural Stone
Featuring his work with dry stack stone sculptures, walls and patios!
“For the Love of beauty
For the Love of Stone”
Learn how to build your own lasting and beautiful wall stone project.
We will have 3 stations around our store and yard for interactive demonstrations on :
Fire Pits What materials are needed.
Garden Wall
How to prepare the foundation
Water Feature Most useful tips and tricks for a finished look. Plus much much more!
Our 3rd annual BBQ!
Bob’s Famous BBQ Chicken
$10 meal available from 1-5pm
Stone Bench Giveaway!!
We are giving away a Beautiful Natural Stone Bench! To register to win you must come to our table and fill out a FREE raffle ticket at one of these community events!
Coventry Woods Festival 5/20/18
Ludwigs Horse Show 9/1-3/18
Warwick Park Community Day 9/15/18
Final Drawing Conestoga Stone Wall Stone Seminar 9/22/18